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[Indo-Job] JOB VACANCY : PHP Programmer (11 positions)

Minggu, 19 Desember 2010 0 komentar


Pak Moderator,

numpang lewat.
rekan-rekan, silahkan ajukan lamaran jika tertarik. perusahaan kami sedang berencana melakukan ekspansi di beberapa negara termasuk Indonesia. tersedia 11 posisi, 3 senior PHP Programmer, 8 junior.

Required Skills:
- 5 years of LAMP/WAMP programming experience, with at least 3 years in PHP5
- 2+ years experience in database design and programming (MSSQL and/or MySQL)
- 2+ years experience in rapid development using a popular PHP MVC framework
- Demonstrated experience with JavaScript, XML, HTML/CSS, and OOP
- Experience integrating third party APIs
- Experience developing plug-in/extensions with at least one popular PHP open source
- Linux Apache and Windows IIS experience
- Strong communication skills and team collaboration skills
- Detail oriented with exceptional problem solving abilities
- Ability to work in a dynamic and rapidly changing environment
- 4 year college degree in computer science or demonstrated equivalent industry experience
- He/She MUST able communicate with English

Desired Skills:
- jQuery, Ext, Ajax, RESTful/SOAP web services, Yii
- Facebook Application Development
- QA experience with automated testing tools
- Experience with Agile/Lean software development methodologies

Please send your application and CV to: or

Terima kasih.

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