1. Vacancy : Worm Picker
Requirement :
- Gender : Male
- Open Positions : 33
- Accommodation : Provided (With Rent Payment)
- Duration of Contract : 12 months (Renewable for 3 Years)
- Regular Working Hours : 8 hours per day / 40 hours per week
- Salary / Wage / hours : CAD 13.75 x 160 hours / month = CAD 2,200.00/month = +/- Rp. 21.282.800/month excluding overtime
- Overtime Rate / hours : CAD 20.625 (150% of the regular wage)
2. Vacancy : Grape Picker
Requirement :
- Gender : Male and Couple
- Candidate needed : 4 couple husband & wife and 5 men
- Accommodation : Provided (With Rent Payment)
- Duration of Contract : 12 months (Renewable for 3 Years)
- Regular Working Hours : 8 hours per day / 40 hours per week
- Salary / Wage / hours : CAD 13.15 x 160 hours / month = CAD 2,104.00/month = +/- Rp. 20.354.096/month excluding overtime
- Overtime Rate / hours : CAD 19.725 (150% of the regular wage)
3. Vacancy: Apple Picker
Requirement :
- Gender : Male
- Candidate needed : 10
- Accommodation : Provided (With Rent Payment)
- Duration of Contract : 12 months (Renewable for 3 Years)
- Regular Working Hours : 8 hours per day / 40 hours per week
- Salary / Wage / hours : CAD 10.78 x 160 hours / month = CAD 1,724.80/month = +/- Rp. 16. 685.000/ month excluding overtime
- Overtime Rate / hours : CAD 16.17 (150% of the regular wage)
other terms :
- Off Days / Week : 2 days
- Sick Days / Year : 5 days
- Vacation Days / Year : 10 days
- Medical Care : OHIP (Provided by the Government)
- Insurance : Shall be arranged by the Employer
- Passport Validity : Minimum 18 months
- Housing Rental : CAD 120.00 / month
- Processing Fee : Rp. 85 million paid in two instalments. The First instalment Rp. 50 million shall be paid after the the issuance of the LMO (Labour Market Opinion). The second instalment Rp. 35 million shall be paid after the issuance of the Visa and Air Ticket to the Canada
- Candidate Condition : Fit to work
For those who are interested please submit your CV and passport copy to our email below :
Contack me.. 087878441880
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