wisepacific.com needs a technician for 3-5 Weeks or short term project to work on on PC clients at Bank Sites. The Technician Requirements:
1) Strong IT background
2) Ideally Graduated from a University but Work On Holidays Students are Welcome.
3) Graduated from any schools. Who is a freelancer or looking for a job.
4) Skillfull in handling a PC, able troubleshoot any windows PC Problem,& Active Directory / Anti Virus on Servers Skills.
5) Extra Points: Live near Project side which is in Tebet and Friendly and Cooperative characters towards the Team Leader.
Send CV to hrd@wisepacific.com or sasa@wisepacific.com.
1) Strong IT background
2) Ideally Graduated from a University but Work On Holidays Students are Welcome.
3) Graduated from any schools. Who is a freelancer or looking for a job.
4) Skillfull in handling a PC, able troubleshoot any windows PC Problem,& Active Directory / Anti Virus on Servers Skills.
5) Extra Points: Live near Project side which is in Tebet and Friendly and Cooperative characters towards the Team Leader.
Send CV to hrd@wisepacific.com or sasa@wisepacific.com.
wisepacific.com membutuhkan teknisi untuk 3-5 Minggu atau proyek jangka pendek untuk bekerja di PC klien-klien di Cabang- Cabang Bank. Persyaratan Teknisi:
1) Kuat di bidang IT
2) Idealnya Lulus dari Universitas tapi Murid atau Mahasiswa yang kerja di hari-hari libur juga diperbolehkan.
3) Lulus dari sekolah. Freelancer atau sedang mencari pekerjaan.
4) Terampil dalam menangani PC, mampu memecahkan setiap masalah PC & Active Directory / Anti Virus di Server.
5) Poin Tambahan: Hidup dekat daerah Tebet karena dengan area proyek dan Karakter ramah dan Suka Bekerja Sama dengan Team Leader.
Kirim CV ke hrd@wisepacific.com atau sasa@wisepacific.com.
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