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[Indo-Job] Digest Number 2115[1 Attachment]

Kamis, 19 Juni 2014 0 komentar

15 Messages

Digest #2115
Sales Canvasser by febri140281
Fw: VACANCY PASTRY CHEF THE BALE by "Arzanela Arifin" ara3011
AIP PRISMA Job Vacancy : ICT Officer by "PRISMA Recruitment" prisma.recruitment
Job opportunity as Technical Trainer by "Meiry Yanti" i_like_meiry
AIP PRISMA Job Vacancy - Receptionist by "PRISMA Recruitment" prisma.recruitment
AIP PRISMA Job Vacancy : Project Secretary by "PRISMA Recruitment" prisma.recruitment
Job Vacancies by echa.sitti


Thu Jun 19, 2014 3:36 am (PDT) . Posted by:


Kami sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang telekomunikasi membutuhkan beberapa karyawan untuk di tempatkan pada posisi:


dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:
Pria maks usia 30 tahun Pendidikan min SMU/SMK sederajat Berpengalaman sebagai distributor makanan / FMCG lebih diutamakan. Memiliki motivasi tinggi dan berorientasi dengan target. Mampu bekerja dengan team / bekerja di lapangan. Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik. Memiliki kendaraan bermotor lebih diutamakan. Silahkan langsung datang untuk interview dengan membawa lamaran berupa CV lengkap. fotokopi KTP dan pas foto ukuran 3x4 ke alamat:

PT. Axindo Infotama
Pejaten Office Park
Jl. Buncit Raya no. 79 Blok L, Jakarta Selatan
UP: HRD-Febri
Telp: 021-79193738

Thu Jun 19, 2014 3:36 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"Nata bersa" natabersa

Dear Pak/Bu Moderator, 

Mohon bantuannya untuk mendistribusikan vacancy ini
Thank you so much

Vacancy in BGP Indonesia
Address at :
PT. BGP Indonesia
Ariobimo Sentral Building, 7th Floor
Jl. H.R Rasuna Said Kav. X-2 No. 5
Jakarta 12950 - Indonesia
Ph. +6221 522 9948
                            Urgent Wanted:

Receptionist (office Based)

- Graduate D1 - S1. - Good looking, - Good English, 
                                                - Able to use computer, MS Words, Ms Excel 

(Field Based)
Field Human Resources
·  Field Accountant
· Electronic Engineer
· Geodetic Engineer
· Field HSE
 Ready to Stay—work in the field. 
3 Months works  1 month off  with paid
Fresh graduate welcome
English is necessary
 Please send email to these 3 emails once time:

Put the title the position you intend.

Sincerely Yours

Thu Jun 19, 2014 3:37 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"Arzanela Arifin" ara3011

On Thursday, June 5, 2014 10:27 AM, "The Bale, Puspa" <> wrote:


Human Resources Coordinator

Jalan Raya Nusa Dua Selatan, PO Box 76,
Nusa Dua 80363, Bali - Indonesia
T: + 62 361 775 111 F: + 62 361 775 222
Attachment(s) from Arzanela Arifin
1 of 1 File(s)

Thu Jun 19, 2014 3:38 am (PDT) . Posted by:


Sejak 2004, PT. Mitra Kerja Utama telah berkiprah sebagai Rekrutmen
Konsultan yang mengedepankan kepuasan klien terhadap bisnis supporting
yang diberikan. Berbagai posisi telah banyak yang dipermanenkan untuk
berkarir lebih lanjut di perusahaan klien kami dengan *TIDAK* menarik *FEE/
PEMUNGUTAN BIAYA* apapun dari kandidat kami.

Beberapa klien kami, perusahaan Consumer Goods, Distributor makanan, PMA
asuransi, Mining, Perusahaan distributor piring dan gelas, pensupport alat
kesehatan membutuhkan kandidat – kandidat potensial untuk berganbung
sebagai :


Wanita, max. 28 tahun, min D3/S1 semua jurusan,

Menarik, menguasai komputer, dapat berkomunikasi menggunakan Bahasa Inggris.


Wanita, max 28 tahun, bersedia bekerja shif dan Off dihari biasa,

menguasai komputer (Excel) & Internet, bersedia penempatan di mall-mall


Pria, max. 40 tahun, lebih disukai berpengalaman mengendarai mobil A/T dan
dapat berkomunikasi Bahasa Asing untuk Driver Vice President & Direktur


Pria, max.27 tahun, min. SMU/ min. Semester 6 untuk S1,

menyukai pekerjaan dengan mobilitas tinggi dan terbiasa dengan target


Pria, max. 30 tahun, menguasai komputer (Excel) & Internet, memiliki

pribadi & SIM C, terbiasa dengan target mobilitas tinggi


Wanita, max. 30 tahun, memiliki pengalaman dibidang yang sama
Wanita/Pria, max. 25 tahun, tinggi badan pria min 168 cm dan wanita min 158

berpenampilan menarik, bersedia bekerja secara shifting


*Datang dan bawa surat lamaran Anda saat perekrutan langsung setiap Selasa
dan Kamis,*

* 08.00 s/d 13.00 WIB* *:*


Wisma 76, Lantai 18

Jl. S. Parman Kav. 76

Slipi, Jakarta Barat

(Patokan : Halte Slipi Kemanggisan, sederet Hotel Menara Peninsula)

021- 536.77.222

Drop CV : * <>*

Thu Jun 19, 2014 3:38 am (PDT) . Posted by:


Salah satu klien kami yang bergerak dibidang konsultasi investasi untuk
mendukung organisasi di seluruh dunia dalam merancang dan mengelola semua
jenis rencana pensiun, sedang membutuhkan beberapa posisi sebagai :



*Kualifikasi :*

- Pria/ Wanita, usia maksimal 28 tahun

- Pendidikan minimal D3 semua jurusan

- Menguasai Ms.Office dengan baik

- Memiliki pengalaman sebagai call center atau telemarketing

- Menguasai bahasa Inggris secara aktif

Kandidat yang memenuhi kualifikasi dapat mengirimkan Surat lamaran lengkap
dengan mencantumkan kode posisi* (TELE-M0614) *ke:

Wisma 76 lt.18
Jl.S.Parman Kav 76 Slipi
Jakarta Barat 11410

P: 62.21.536 77 222

*Via email :

Anda juga dapat bergabung di Facebook kami:
atau di twitter @HRDMitraKerja dan Anda akan mendapatkan berita terbaru
tentang lowongan pekerjaan dari kami.


Thu Jun 19, 2014 3:38 am (PDT) . Posted by:


Sejak 2004, PT. Mitra Kerja Utama telah berkiprah sebagai Rekrutmen
Konsultan yang mengedepankan kepuasan klien terhadap bisnis supporting
yang diberikan.

PT. Mitra Kerja Utama telah banyak menghasilkan output SDM yang memiliki
kualitas prima. Berbagai posisi telah banyak yang dipermanenkan untuk
berkarir lebih lanjut di perusahaan klien kami. Sebagai Career Support kami
berkomitmen untuk *TIDAK* menarik *FEE/ PEMUNGUTAN BIAYA* apapun dari
kandidat kami.

Salah satu klien kami yang bergerak dibidang Network, Internet & Hosting
Provider yang memiliki beberapa cabang di Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang,
Bekasi, Cibubur dan Serang, sedang membutuhkan beberapa posisi sebagai :



*Syarat :*

- Pria, max. 28 th
- Pendidikan SMA/SMK, diutamakan dari jurusan Teknik Rekayasa Perangkat
Lunak, Teknik Informatika atau Teknik Komputer atau Teknik Komputer Jaringan
- Lebih disukai memiliki pengalaman dibidang yang sama/ mengetahui
tentang kabel Fiber Optic dan Quaxial
- Paham dan mengerti tentang jaringan internet dan trouble shoot dan
pernah mengaplikasikannya
- Memiliki SIM C
- Bersedia bekerja mobile tinggi dan Shift

**Tersedia Gaji Pokok UMR Jakarta+Lemburan+Jamsostek**

Kandidat yang memenuhi kualifikasi dapat mengirimkan Surat lamaran lengkap
dengan mencantumkan kode posisi* (TJAR-M0614) *ke:

* <>*

* <>*

atau via pos :

Wisma 76 18th floor
JL. S.Parman Kav. 76
Jakarta Barat 11410
P : 021-536.77.222

021 - 366.70.402

Anda juga dapat bergabung di Facebook kami:
<> atau di twitter @HRD_MitraKerja
dan Anda akan mendapatkan berita terbaru tentang lowongan pekerjaan dari


Thu Jun 19, 2014 3:39 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"Septi Indah" indah_the1only

Distributed Website Corporation ( ) has a rich 20year history of creating innovative and award –winning Webbased software
solutions and products for a wide range of large and small businesses.
Currently we are looking fo a bright, talented, intelligent, and highly
motivated candidates as: 
-          Experience developing with mobile web, iOS
SDK, Android SDK, HTML5, Javascript
-          Strong understanding of Object Oriented
Design and system architecture for mobile applications.
-          Expertise in relational database.
-          Minimum experience: 2 years.
-          Excellent coding and analytical skills.
-          Fast learner.
-          Full-time position available.
email your application and Resume to (cc  you have any difficulties to apply using this

Thu Jun 19, 2014 3:39 am (PDT) . Posted by:


Sejak 2004, PT. Mitra Kerja Utama telah berkiprah sebagai Rekrutmen
Konsultan yang mengedepankan kepuasan klien terhadap bisnis supporting
yang diberikan.

PT. Mitra Kerja Utama telah banyak menghasilkan output SDM yang memiliki
kualitas prima. Berbagai posisi telah banyak yang dipermanenkan untuk
berkarir lebih lanjut di perusahaan klien kami. Sebagai Career Support kami
berkomitmen untuk *TIDAK* menarik *FEE/ PEMUNGUTAN BIAYA* apapun dari
kandidat kami.

Salah satu klien kami yang bergerak dibidang Network, Internet & Hosting
Provider yang memiliki beberapa cabang di Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang,
Bekasi, Cibubur dan Serang, sedang membutuhkan beberapa posisi sebagai :


*(RSS-M0614) *

*Tugas :*

- Melakukan demo produk
- Melakukan administrasi
- Melakukan tugas sales counter
- Melayani customer

*Kualifikasi : *

- Wanita, max 30 tahun
- Pendidikan D3/S1
- Terbuka untuk fresh graduated
- Berpenampilan menarik
- Komunikatif
- Memiliki kemampuan menggunakan Ms. Office
- Bersedia untuk penempatan Jabodetabek

Kandidat yang memenuhi kualifikasi dapat mengirimkan Surat lamaran lengkap
dengan mencantumkan kode posisi* (RSS-M0614) *ke:

* <>*

* <>*

atau via pos :

Wisma 76 18th floor
JL. S.Parman Kav. 76
Jakarta Barat 11410
P : 021-536.77.222

Anda juga dapat bergabung di Facebook kami:
<> atau di twitter @HRD_MitraKerja
dan Anda akan mendapatkan berita terbaru tentang lowongan pekerjaan dari


Thu Jun 19, 2014 3:40 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"PRISMA Recruitment" prisma.recruitment

ICT Officer AIP-PRISMA, Surabaya base
The Australia Indonesia Partnership for Promoting Rural Income through Support for Markets in Agriculture (AIP-PRISMA) is an ambitious new rural development program which aims to contribute to a 30%, or more, increase in net incomes for 1,000,000 poor rural female and male farmers, 300,000 of which will be reached by June 2017.
The role:
Under the
direction of theICT Manager, the
ICT Officer will provide support to the implementation of PRISMA's
ICT-related activities

Selection criteria:
The successful applicants will be able to demonstrate: 
Advance University Degree in computer science, with strong
specialization in IT.Min.3 years' experience in system developmentUnderstanding some operating system likes Windows Server, Windows
8.Understanding some of database likes MS. SQL, MS Access, and My
SQLUnderstanding Web Base programming likes PHP, .NET, Visual Basic,
Java.Understanding IT infrastructure.Ability to prioritize and manage time efficiently. Can handle

multiple tasks effectively and coordinate a team to meet deadlines; ability to
manage uncertainty and adjust to a changing work program.Experience in conducting IT Training.Fluency in Bahasa Indonesia and a good working knowledge of English.
If you would like to apply for this position, please submit your CV to recruitment@aip-prisma.or.idandput the advertised position title in the subject line by Friday 27th of June 2014 at the latest. Due to the high number of responses, we will only be contacting candidates who are progressing to the next stage. This is a local/national position.

Thu Jun 19, 2014 3:41 am (PDT) . Posted by:


Write a message... PT Elnusa Tbk. was founded as PT Electronika Nusantara based on Indonesia Corporate Establishment Act No.18, dated 25th January 1969, later on PT Elnusa named by 9th September 1969. Elnusa started as a state-owned oil and gas PT Pertamina's operations support services company. Its services include maintenance and reparation of Pertamina's vessel shipboard electronic communications equipment, navigational equipment and radar system. Oil tankers owned by other companies working under contract with Indonesia state-owned oil and gas companies were also part of Elnusa clientele.

PT Elnusa Tbk. was officially listed at the Indonesia Stock Exchange (Bursa Efek Indonesia) on 6th February 2008. With its own brand of professionalism, transparency, management and clean & trustworthy business ethics, PT Elnusa Tbk. was ready then to take on challenges, nationally, regionally and internationally. Today, PT Elnusa Tbk. is the leader in integrated upstream oil & gas services sector serving both national and multi-national clientele.

With our rapid expansion and development, we need a young, professional, talented, and competence person to fill our vacant positions as :

· 1. BusinessDevelopment
· -Candidate must possess at least Bachelor or preferable Post Graduate Degree from majoring Strategic Management, Industrial Engineering, or Equivalent
· -Had experience and exposure in similar position for at least 3 years
- Preferable had exposure in Management Development in Oil & Gas industry
· -Mastering all about strategic planning process (Strategy Development, Deployment & Control)

· 2. Office Facilities Officer
· - Candidate must possess at least Diploma or Bachelor Degree from majoring Engineering (Electrical/Electronical)
· -Had experience for 1 year in building maintenance or office facilities management
· -Good computer literate (MS. Office)
· -Communicatif, Precise, Honest, and good analytical thinking

· 3. GA Officer for Non Head Office
· -Candidate must possess at least Diploma or Bachelor Degree from any major but preferably from majoring Engineering
· -Had experience for at least 1 year in GA is a must
· -Good communicative ability that could do socialization
· -Had a good analytical and logical thinking
· -Willing to travel very extensively

If you're interested please send your newest resume to, or just please send your resume for future vacancy in our company. I treat every coming resume with professional manner and strictly confidential.

Thu Jun 19, 2014 3:42 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"Meiry Yanti" i_like_meiry

Representing our Client, a multinational company that provides billing
solution and CRM products to clients in various industries namely telco industries. Now, they are looking for qualified talent to fill the role of :

Technical Trainer

* Experience in managing complex learning
solutions in organizations and/or managed complex training projects for
*   Excellent communication, presentation, business
and negotiation skills.
*    Experience working in the Telco industry
*   Experienced in promoting learning services and
identifying learning business opportunities.
*  University degree or equivalent
* Overall relevant experience minimum 8 years.
If you consider yourself as a strong and convincing personality with
total dedication to quality and customer satisfaction,Please kindly send your comprehensive
resume with the code subject to:

Thu Jun 19, 2014 3:42 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"Zulfikri Zulfikri" fikrikibar2010

Perusahaan kami bergerak dalam bidang condition monitoring - instrumentasi maintenance & services sebagai pemegang lisensi beberapa merek-merek besar dunia dari Amerika, Eropa, Asia lainnya, saat ini kami menerima para profesional berpengalaman sebagai:

1 orang Sales Coordinator
2 orang Sales Engineering
3 orang Telemarketing

1.  Siap dengan prinsip clean business 
2.  Menyukai tantangan dan memiliki jiwa entrepreneur
3.  Pengalaman dalam bidang Sales (lebih disukai berpengalaman dg pasar industri)
4.  Laki-laki 
5.  Pendidikan minimal D3 
Hak & Fasilitas:
1.  Gaji, Insentif, Profit Sharing 
2.  Fasilitas lain:  perumahan, kendaraan pribadi, dll.  
3.  Setelah setahun evaluasi memuaskan, kami sediakan peluang business sharing (share)

Lokasi kerja di Jakarta.

Bagi yang berminat silakan hubungi sy di 08156141954 dan kirimkan CV ke atau via surat ke: 
Jl. Radin Inten II No. 62 Duren Sawit
Jakarta 13440 - Indonesia
T. 29563045

Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Best Regards,

Thu Jun 19, 2014 3:48 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"PRISMA Recruitment" prisma.recruitment

Surabaya based
The Australia Indonesia Partnership for Promoting Rural Income
through Support for Markets in Agriculture (AIP-PRISMA) is an ambitious new
rural development program which aims to contribute to a 30%, or more, increase
in net incomes for 1,000,000 poor rural female and male farmers, 300,000 of
which will be reached by June 2017.The role:
Under the direction of the Office Manager, the Receptionist is
expected to deliver friendly,
efficient customer service and to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere for
all of PRISMA's guests by attendto visitors and deal with inquiries on
phone or face to face, and supply information regarding the organization to the
Selection criteria:The successful applicants will be able to demonstrate:
§  Minimum an
Associate Degree in a relevant field.
§  Experience in administrative /
secretarial work for at least 2 years.
§  Computer skills and advanced skills
with Excel and Word
§  Excellent communication skills,
§  Ability to
work effectively with Microsoft Office applications.
§  Fluency in
Bahasa Indonesia and a good working knowledge of English. Applications:
If you would like to apply for this position, please submit your
CV to recruitment@aip-prisma.or.idandput the advertised position title in the
subject line by Monday 23rd of June 2014 at the latest. Due to the high number of responses, we will only be contacting
candidates who are progressing to the next stage. This is a local/national

Thu Jun 19, 2014 3:54 am (PDT) . Posted by:

"PRISMA Recruitment" prisma.recruitment

 Project Secretary AIP-PRISMA,
Surabaya base
The Australia Indonesia Partnership for Promoting Rural Income
through Support for Markets in Agriculture (AIP-PRISMA) is an ambitious new
rural development program which aims to contribute to a 30%, or more, increase
in net incomes for 1,000,000 poor rural female and male farmers, 300,000 of
which will be reached by June 2017.
The role:
Under the direction of Office Manager, the Project Secretary  will be responsible will be responsible for providing administrative and secretarial
support to AIP PRISMA Core Management Team, and handle routine administrative
tasks when asked to do so 
Selection criteria:
The successful applicants will be able to demonstrate:
* Minimum a Bachelors' degree in a relevant field.
* Minimum 2 years of experience in handling secretarial duties in an organisation of similar size and scale, ideally experience in working directly under a senior manager to support their administrative requirement
* Proven ability in handling multiple tasks effectively under heavy time and work pressure.
* Proven ability to plan and manage schedules, flies/database and working materials as well as to keep confidentiality of documents and information.
* Warm personality as well as strong communication and persuasion skills in effectively dealing with clients and stakeholders from diverse backgrounds. 
* Ability to work effectively with Microsoft Office applications.
* Fluency in Bahasa Indonesia and a good working knowledge of English.

If you would like to apply for this position, please submit your
CV to recruitment@aip-prisma.or.idandput the advertised position title in the
subject line by Monday 23rd of June 2014 at the latest. Due to the high number of responses, we will only be contacting
candidates who are progressing to the next stage. This is a local/national

Thu Jun 19, 2014 4:00 am (PDT) . Posted by:


SITTI, the first and largest Indonesian contextual advertising platform company which established in 2010. Our network includes thousands of websites and blogs in Indonesian language. SITTI currently requires professional candidates for the following positions:

Software Devloper Web Developer Supervisor Sales Marketing Staff Sales Marketing Jr. Analyst Web Developer

Male/Female, Max 30 years old. Bachelor of Technology/Bachelor of Science (Computer Science, Mathemathic, Electrical Engineering). Fresh graduate are welcome. Preferably have experience as software engineer minimum for 2 years. Strong coding skill in PHP and using MySQL query. Experienced using any PHP framework Zend, Yii, Laravel, CakePHP, - Codeigniter, etc. Have knowledge in jQuery, Ajax, Javascript, HTML, CSS. Understand source control preferably Git. Understand bug tracking e.g. Mantis. Understand algorithm and programming logic. Has problem-solving skill. Fun to work with, curious about new technology, able to work in a team.
Software Devloper

Male/Female, Max 30 years old Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, - Computer Science/Information Technology or equivalent. Fresh graduates are also welcome to apply. Preferably have experience as software engineer minimum for 3 years. Understand one or more: Python, Java, C/C++ or PHP. Understand source control preferably Git. Understand bug tracking. Understand algorithm and logic. Has problem-solving skill. Understand database design and query. Preferred experience in Messaging system such as RabbitMQ. Preferred experience in NoSQL solution such as Cassandra, MongoDB, Redis, Couchbase or Memcached. Preferred experience in Big Data solution such as Hadoop, Greenplum, etc. Preferred experience in Continuous Integration such as Jenkins. Good attitude, fun to work with, curious about new technology, able to work as team.
Supervisor Sales Marketing

Male / Female, Max. 30 years old Bachelor's Degree from any major At least 3-5 years of working experience Passion for E-commerce Client interfacing experience with strong communication skills Ability to analyze reports and make recommendations Ability to lead team Preferable from advertising agencies Excellent communication skills, written and verbal Good initiative, fast learner, able to work in team and able to work in under pressure situation
Staff Sales Marketing

Male / Female, Max. 28 years old At least 1-2 years of working experience Passion for E-commerce Client interfacing experience with strong communication skills Ability to analyze reports and make recommendations Excellent communication skills, written and verbalGood initiative, fast learner, able to work in team and able to work in under pressure situation
Jr. Analyst

Usia maksimal 28 tahun Diutamakan lulusan S1 jurusan Statistics / Matematika atau Tehknik Informatika Pengalaman Min 1 tahun Mahir dalam penggunaan tools SPSS Programming dan Software Statistikal lainnya. Paham pengolahan data dan menyukai analisa Menguasai MS Excel, lebih diutamakan VBA Menguasai excel: visual basic Application ("VBA") atau Macros, pivot table dan pivot chart, dan formula-formula di excel Pernah menggunakan Rapidminer (Pilihan) Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply Memiliki kemampuan dalam berkomunikasi dan organisasi Placement: Senopati, South Jakarta

If you are confident that you meet our requirements, please submit your application, with complete curriculum vitae, updated photo, and expected salary to

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