PART CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER (Mechanical / Mechatronics)
Work in the Netherlands.
Philips Applied Technologies has a strong cooperation with Philips Research and Philips Design and works with renowned know-how providers, partners and suppliers. Added to their own high-tech competencies, they have created a technology powerhouse that covers the total spectrum from idea to market. With a highly skilled staff of about 1,100, they make sure these competencies are available for their customers.
As an engineer you will be responsible for the quality of the part construction. You will be involved in projects from scratch. These projects will involve the whole process from product design through machine building and even production lines.. You will work independently on solutions for different customers. You will work in multi disciplinary teams. You will be able to work in a world class environment and learn from very experienced people.
You will have a bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering and:
* You are willing to learn.
* You are a born Mechanical Engineer
* You want to be a specialist
* You like building machines
* You speak English
This profile is also suitable for starters
Preferably with some working experience though please state clearly what relevant working experience a candidate has
Salary indication f: 2100 2500 Euros a month (gross)
Unique chance through Blue Birds pilot project sponsored by the Dutch Government.
For more information go to
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