Dear Moderator,
Mohon dishare ke Group Member untuk lowongan:
Risk Analyst
- 10+ years in experience technical roles related to development of complex Oil and Gas projects, preferably in Risk Assessment / Project Management
Job Description:
- Develop project's Risk Management strategy that is tailored to meet the requirements of project as a first-in-kind project; lead implementation
- Organize risk working sessions with project personnel and main Contractors to identify risks, formulate mitigation action plans and track close-out of action items
- Lead regular and ad-hoc project risk assessments, especially around major design decisions / changes and project milestones
- Own project risk mitigation plans
- Own Risk Scenarios
- Gather inputs from management to identify high priority risk scenarios
- Organize formal review to present scenarios and consequences to management
- Coordinate working sessions to update scenarios when required
- Analyze deterministic and stochastic/probabilistic models to assess schedule and cost variability / sensitivity to risk events; own risk models
Economic Analyst
Job Description:
1. Economic Analysis - Conduct economic analysis to provide supports for strategic business planning
2. Asset Business Planning - Provide business and economic inputs to Strategic Business Planning
3. Business Environmental Monitoring, Gather the business information and analyze for relevance to the Asset
4. Extend necessary support to other groups in Strategic Planning (Business Support, Performance reporting, System Integration) from time to time
- University degree
- Having at least 7 years experience in the project planning or business analysis in upstream oil & gas company
- Good communication skill with external / internal entity / person
- English literacy (including writing, typing)
- Familiar with Microsoft Office and Economic Analysis software
Please send your CV only to: Please only send a resume in Microsoft Word format, not pdf or others. Please note that certificates/ID s, Picture, etc are not required at this time, just your resume/CV
Khoirul Khuluq
Recruitment Consultant
Fircroft Group
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