We are Chiropractic Indonesia, inviting highly motivated enthuasic professional candidate to join a well-establish Healthy Care Company to fill in the following positions:
1. Customer Service Admin / Chiropractor Assistant
Female, between 20 to 30 years old
Min D3/S1 Degree in any discipline
Fresh graduate are welcome to apply
(having 1.2 years in the same position will be an advantage)
Fluenty speaking and writing in English
Good personality, interpersonal skill and well groomed
Good communication in all level of people
Willing to work shift system
2. Physiotherapist / Chiropractor Assistant
Male/Female, between 20 to 30 years old
Min D3/S1 Degree majoring in Physiotherapy
Fresh graduate are welcome to apply
(having 1.2 years in the same position will be an advantage)
Fluenty speaking and writing in English
Good personality, interpersonal skill and well groomed
Good communication in all level of people
Willing to work shift system
Please send your complete resume, related documents and recent photograph to : rachmat@chiroindo.co.id or to
Chiropractic Indonesia
(PT. Sehat Utama Abadi)
Jl. Arteri Pelajar 1 No.5
Komp. Rukan Permata Senayan
Blok A No. 15
Jakarta 12210
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