We are Chiropractic Indonesia, active in health care discipline, which emphasizes the inherent recuperative power of the body to
heal itself without the use of drugs or surgery.
We are seeking qualified candidates for the following position:
1. Clinic Assistant/Chiropractic Assistant
Sex: Female
Age: 20 to 30 years old.
Education: D3/S1
Experience: Min. 1 (one) years
Fresh Graduated are welcome to apply
Fluently speaking & writing in English
Good interpersonal skill and well groomed
Good communicate in all level of people
Willing to work:
Shift system and beyond office hours
2. Physiotherapy/Chiropractic Assistant
Sex: Female/Male
Age: 20 to 30 years old.
Education: D3/S1 from Physiotherapy
Experience: Min. 1 (one) years
Fresh Graduated are welcome to apply
Fluently speaking & writing in English
Good interpersonal skill and well groomed
Good communicate in all level of people
Willing to work:
Shift system and beyond office hours
3. Secretary & HR Assistant
Sex: Female
Age: 25 to 28 years old
Education: D3/S1 (Secretary/Management)
Experience: Min. 5 (five) years
Fluently speaking & writing in English
Good interpersonal skill and well groomed
Good communicate in all level of people
Please send your complete documents of application letter,
resume, related documents and recent picture to:
Human Resources Manager
PT. Sehat Utama Abadi
Jl. Arteri Pelajar 1 No.5
Komp. Rukan Permata Senayan
Block A No. 15, Jakarta 12210
or you can email to : rachmat@chiroindo.co.id
visit our website : www.chiropractic-asia.com
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