Our client, an established online news media, focus on Internet technology,
multimedia and e-commerce, invites a potential candidates as :
*Requirements :*
- Female, max 25 years old
- D3 or SMA ++ all majors
- Update with the Global Information, especially deal with the Internet
- Experience with service the Clients
- Willing to be placed in Jakarta
*Responsibilities :*
- Make a new information content in SMS (Short Message Service) format
- Give some info about Products and Problem solving
Send your comprehensive resume with recent photograph and put the position
code *(CM-M1010) *on e-mail subject to : *cv.sdm@mitrakerja.com*
or on your left side envelope to :
PT Mitra Kerja Utama*
Wisma 76 lt. 18
Jl. S.Parman kav. 76
Slipi - Jakarta Barat 11410
*~NO recruitment fee~*
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