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[Indo-Job] PhD Scholarship in Supply Chain Management - Houston, Texas, USA

Senin, 31 Oktober 2011 0 komentar


Dear all,  Application process    You will receive $2100 per month. See below.  
I got my MBA from the University of Houston.

Ahmad Syamil
Arkansas State University
=========================  University of Houston  Ph.D. in Supply Chain Management (SCM)  The Ph.D. program in Supply Chain Management IS NOW accepting applications for the fall 2012.  The Supply Chain Management (SCM) field covers the planning, execution, and control of strategic, tactical, and operational decisions involved in the movement of materials, services, resources, and information among and within organizations. Demand for SCM graduates has grown significantly in recent years and faculty salaries in the area are highly competitive.  Content and Length of Program  For the typical student the program requires a 4-year full-time commitment. During this period the student establishes residency (Section 7.80 of C. T. Bauer College of Business Policies - BCB policies) and employment outside the university is prohibited. Ph.D. students may be qualified to receive support from the university in the form of Assistantships. Students receiving assistantships are expected to serve 20 hours each week during the academic year as research and/or teaching assistants to the SCM faculty. Compensation ranges from $31,870 to $35,710, based on a $2100 per month stipend with annual increases through the third year, also on a fellowship during a student’s first two years and teaching compensation thereafter, plus tuition waiver (less student-paid fees).  Research Focus and Placement  The doctoral program in Supply Chain Management at the University of Houston is designed to produce outstanding scholars/teachers who possess a breadth of understanding of the overall field as well as a depth of understanding in selected sub-fields within SCM. The program is designed to provide the necessary skills to enable graduates to have successful academic careers in which they contribute to the growing body of academic and practical SCM knowledge through sound research, and educate and instruct future scholars and business professionals in the SCM field. Past graduates have accepted faculty positions at the University of Southern California, The Ohio State University, George Mason University, Oakland University, the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Lehigh University, the University of Glasgow, and the Air Force Institute of Technology.  Advisory Committee  The student's Advisory (coursework) Committee chairperson shall be named during the first semester of the student's enrollment in the program. Approval of the members of the Advisory Committee by the SCM Ph.D. Coordinator is required. This committee has primary responsibility for:      Structuring the coursework program and insuring that all program requirements and equivalencies are satisfied.     Monitoring the student's progress.     Supervising the oral comprehensive examination.  General Timeline and Milestones for Doctoral Studies in SCM First year of studies  Fall semester:      Nine semester hours.     Appointment of the advisory committee (also called course committee). Required by the end of semester.     Appointment of the doctoral student mentor. Required by the end of semester.  Spring semester:      Nine semester hours.     Degree plan completed. Required by the end of semester.     Qualifying examination. Required by the end of the semester.  Summer semester:      Six semester hours.  Second year of studies  Fall semester:      Nine semester hours.  Spring semester:      Nine semester hours.  Summer semester:      Six semester hours.  Third year of studies  During the third year of studies: Oral defense of the dissertation proposal. Suggested.  Fall semester:      Nine semester hours.     Comprehensive examination. Required.  Spring semester:      Nine semester hours.  Summer semester:      Six semester hours.  Fourth year of studies  During the fourth year of studies: Oral defense of the dissertation. Suggested.  Fall semester:      Nine semester hours.  Spring semester:      Nine semester hours.  Summer semester:      Six semester hours.  The Dissertation must be completed within four years of the comprehensive examination (college policy), and a student who fails to successfully defend a dissertation within six years of entering the program must retake the comprehensive examinations (college policy). Required Examinations Qualifying Examination  The purpose of the qualifying examination is to determine whether the student has achieved acceptable mastery of the Supply Chain Management field in order to continue in the program.  Each student has to complete a qualifying examination by the end of the first Spring semester of their studies. SCM faculty will assign the materials, design the qualifying examination questions and grade the questions. The examination is graded as a “pass” or a “fail”. Failing the qualifying examination terminates the student's eligibility to continue in the program. Comprehensive Examination  The purpose of the Comprehensive examination is to determine if the student has achieved acceptable mastery of the Supply Chain Management field in order to successfully complete a doctoral degree in this program. The comprehensive examination has a written and oral component.  Each student must complete the comprehensive examination by the end of the Fall semester of the third year of studies after completing the coursework specified in their degree plan (as specified by the College Ph.D. policies). SCM faculty will assign the materials, design the comprehensive examination questions and grade the questions. The examinations are graded as a “pass” or a “fail” and the student will be notified within the timeline specified by the College Ph.D. policies.  If the student has failed either the written or the oral part of the comprehensive examination, they have the right to retake it within six months of the notification. Only one reexamination is allowed. Annual Review  Consistent with Bauer Guidelines, each candidate will be formally evaluated on an annual basis. This evaluation will encompass the following aspects of the students' performance:      Performance in coursework.     Performance as a teaching/research assistant.     Performance in research and participation in the DISC related research seminar series     Progress toward completion of degree.  Form of the Evaluation  The evaluation will be conducted by the SCM Ph.D. coordinator with input from SCM faculty. After considering all relevant information including, but not limited to, that provided by the chairperson of that candidate's Advisory Committee or Dissertation Committee and the student's faculty research or teaching mentors, one of four recommendations will be made to the Associate Dean for Academic and Research Programs:      The candidate's progress is satisfactory in all regards, and the candidate should be retained in the program.     The candidate's progress is unsatisfactory in some regards, and the candidate should be carefully counseled and monitored to eliminate these deficiencies.     The candidate's progress is unsatisfactory and gives cause for serious concern, and the candidate should be placed on probation with a specified time for correcting the noted deficiencies.     The candidate's progress does not warrant continuation in the program and the candidate should be dismissed from the program.  Written copies of the evaluation will be transmitted to the candidate, the chairperson of that candidate's Advisory Committee or Dissertation Committee, and the Associate Dean for Academic and Research Programs.  Dismissal from Program  In the event that the recommendation is dismissal from the program, a majority vote by the tenure-track faculty in the SCM area is required. Consistent with Bauer Guidelines, the action of dismissing a candidate from doctoral program is the responsibility of the Associate Dean for Academic and Research Programs. 

Recent Activity:
Bergabunglah dengan milis lainnya:  ==> Manajemen Industri ==> Kursus Bahasa Inggris ==> Telpon selular ==> Milis HRD ==> Lowongan kerja luar negeri dan
beasiswa ==> Pembinaan bisnis dan karir

Komputer dan Teknologi:

Manajemen produksi/operasi/supply chain/logistik:

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[Indo-Job] PhD Scholarship in Management Information System (MIS), Houston, Texas, USA

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Dear all,

1. PhD Description:

University of Houston

2. Financial support:

The stipend associated with the assistantship is currently AT LEAST $25,200 based on a 12 month appointment.

3.  Application Checklist:

Good luck,

Ahmad Syamil
Arkansas State University

Recent Activity:
Bergabunglah dengan milis lainnya:  ==> Manajemen Industri ==> Kursus Bahasa Inggris ==> Telpon selular ==> Milis HRD ==> Lowongan kerja luar negeri dan
beasiswa ==> Pembinaan bisnis dan karir

Komputer dan Teknologi:

Manajemen produksi/operasi/supply chain/logistik:

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[Indo-Job] [INFO] Master and Phd Program Scholarship from SIAT

Minggu, 30 Oktober 2011 0 komentar


Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Science (hereinafter referred to as "SIAT"), offers 8 Master's Degree programs and 2 PhD Degree programs to international students. The duration of a Master program is 2-3 years, and a PhD program 3-6 years.
A degree certificate and a graduation certificate will be awarded to those who have completed the prescribed courses and passed thesis/dissertation defense.
All the programs are offered in English.
Applicants to Master programs should:
have obtained a bachelor's degree from a recognized institution, or an equivalent qualification; and
· satisfy SIAT's requirements on physical fitness for pursuing the postgraduate program.
Applicants to PhD degree programs should:
normally have obtained a master's degree from a recognized institution, and
· satisfy SIAT's requirements on physical fitness for pursuing the postgraduate program.
Language Requirements:
Students enrolled at SIAT can choose to take all courses and conduct research activities in English only, or in Chinese (Mandarin). Knowledge of the Chinese language is not required. Applications with TOEFL or IELTS records (within two years from the examination date) are preferred.
Master's Degree Programs:0101
physical chemistry,
biochemistry and molecular biology,
signal and information processing,
pattern recognition and intelligent system,
computer application technology,
materials engineering,
electrical and communication engineering,
control engineering,
computer technology,
biological engineering
PhD Degree Programs:0201
pattern recognition and intelligent system,
computer application technology.
1.The completed application form for Admission of International Students (please download from The photo adhered on the application form must be identical with that on the passport.
2. Personal statement. Applicants to PhD programs should also submit a research proposal.
3. A certified or notarized copy of the degree certificate, a certified or notarized copy of the academic transcript, and an officially sealed original copy of the academic transcript. Notarized translations to English or to Chinese of the degree certificate and the academic transcript are also required, if they are in a language other than English and Chinese.
4. Two recommendation letters from academics at the level of associate professor or above. The letter must indicate the referee's phone number and email address.
5. Copy of the page with personal information in the passport.
None of the above application documents will be returned. 
Read the rest of this entry »

Recent Activity:
Bergabunglah dengan milis lainnya:  ==> Manajemen Industri ==> Kursus Bahasa Inggris ==> Telpon selular ==> Milis HRD ==> Lowongan kerja luar negeri dan
beasiswa ==> Pembinaan bisnis dan karir

Komputer dan Teknologi:

Manajemen produksi/operasi/supply chain/logistik:

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[Indo-Job] File - Aturan milis

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Jika Anda merasa email yang masuk yang terlalu banyak, kirimkan email ke

Setelah itu, Anda akan menerima 1 email rangkuman saja perhari.


Pengirim iklan produk dan jasa apapun diluar lowongan kerja (termasuk workshop, training, dan seminar) harus mengirimkan naskah iklannya terlebih dahulu ke moderator yaitu Jika moderator tidak menjawab dalam waktu 3 hari berarti moderator tidak setuju dan mohon iklan itu tidak dikirimkan ke Indo-Job@.

Pengirim hal-hal berikut di akan langsung dikeluarkan/ di "ban" tanpa
peringatan terlebih dahulu:

iklan MLM, berita mesum, berita SARA, arisan berantai, home-based business, bisnis internet, bisnis on-line,
bisnis pasti sukses, money game, perdagangan valuta asing (foreign exchanges), bisnis logam mulia, e-gold,
cara menjadi kaya cepat, bisnis yang pasti menguntungkan, pyramid scheme, penipuan, ASIA BERSAMA, ASIAN BRAIN, Bisnis 5 milyar, dll


Kirimkan resume/curriculum vitae/riwayat hidup ke pengirim iklan lowongan kerja, jangan ke milis atau ke moderator. Moderator tidak bisa memeberikan jawaban apapun atas pertanyaan yang timbul karena email yang muncul di milis ini.


1. Untuk meningkatkan kredibilitas Anda:

a. Gunakan email perusahaan semaksimal mungkin.
Jangan memakai email gratisan (yahoo, hotmail, gmail, dll) atau email umum (cbn, centrind, dll).

b. Jika Anda terpaksa memakai email gratisan, cantumkan
nama orang, nama perusahaan, alamat (jangan PO BOX), dan telpun perusahaan.

2. Jangan memakai judul umum yang umum dan tidak menarik. Contoh:

- Urgently required

- Job vacancy

Karena banyaknya email, banyak pelanggan email yang melihat judul email saja sebelum memutuskan untuk membaca email secara keseluruhan atau tidak. Judul email yang menarik menyebut posisi, nama perusahaan, dan lokasi. Contoh judul email yang baik dan menarik

- [Job] Bank Central Asia Managers - West Java

- [Job] Management Trainee - PT Komatsu Indonesia - Jakarta

Terima kasih.


Hati-hati iklan lowongan kerja palsu


Banyak yang mengirim lowongan kerja untuk sekedar mengumpulkan email (email miner) untuk kemudian dikirimi iklan MLM, arisan berantai, bisnis pasti untung, dagang forex (foreign exchange/valuta asing), salesman perusahaan asuransi yang tidak terdaftar, Bandar PT Bursa Berjangka Jakarta (BBJ), dll. Ada juga yang berasal dari calo tenaga kerja, dll yang "menyunat" gaji Anda jika Anda diterima kerja. Ada juga yang memang sekedar iseng bikin lowongan kerja asbun pakai email gratisan.

Iklan perlu dicurigai jika banyak kejanggalan:

1. Baik pengirim email atau email untuk menampung resume bukan email perusahaan tapi email gratisan (;, dll) ataupun email dari internet service provider misalnya @cbn, dll

2. (a) Tidak mencantumkan nama perusahaan atau (b) perusahaannya tidak jelas

3. Memakai nama beberapa perusahaan sekaligus yang digabungkan dan dipalsukan. Contoh: AstraIndomobil Finance. Astra dan Indomobil adalah dua perusaahaan terpisah.

4. Tidak mencantumkan lokasi ataupun alamat lengkap. Ada juga yang hanya PO Box dan dipakai beberapa kali oleh perusahaan yang berbeda-beda. Akan tetapi, para pebisnis forex dan bandar Bursa Berjangka Jakarta banyak yang memiliki kantor di daerah perkantoran yang ternama.

5. (a) Tidak memiliki website atau (b) nama perusahaan itu tidak muncul ketika dicari lewat Internet atau (c) nama perusahaan itu hanya muncul di milis atau web lowongan kerja lainnya.

6. Tidak mencantumkan nama jelas pengirim email.

7. Menawarkan gaji yang terlalu tinggi untuk posisi yang ditawarkan untuk menarik banyak pelamar. Contoh: Gaji 3 juta untuk lulusan SMA.

8. Menawarkan persyaratan terlalu rendah untuk jabatan yang ditawarkan. Contoh: Jabatan asisten manajer untuk lulusan SMA.

9. Persyaratan terlalu umum sehingga banyak pelamar yang akan mengirimkan resume/CV.

10. Iklan lowongan yang menawarkan banyak posisi sekaligus untuk mengumpulkan resume/CV sebanyak-banyaknya.

11. Memberikan persyaratan usia yang rendah (misalnya umur minimum 21 tahun) untuk mengumpulkan resume/CV sebanyak-banyaknya.

Tentunya bisa jadi perusahaan itu perusahaan bagus tapi belum punya website.
Bisa juga email yang dipakai adalah email gratis yang sifatnya sementara untuk sekedar mengumpulkan CV/resume. Yang jelas, email perusahaan terkenal misalnya Bayer, Astra, Indomobil, dll juga sudah dipalsukan dengan memakai email gratis misalnya

Iklan yang jelas meragukan jelas akan langsung ditolak moderator. Tapi tidak mungkin moderator meneliti iklan lowongan satu persatu sebelum meloloskan iklan itu ke milis ini.

Jika Anda menemukan pemasang iklan lowongan kerja yang menipu, tolong moderator diberitahu dan kami akan segera mengeluarkan pemasang iklan.

Jika Anda tidak yakin jika suatu iklan lowongan kerja adalah lowongan yang absah, mohon tidak mengirimkan resume/CV ke perusahaan itu. Moderator tidak bertanggung jawab atas hal-hal yang kurang menyenangkan dikemudian hari.

Terima kasih.

Recent Activity:
Bergabunglah dengan milis lainnya:  ==> Manajemen Industri ==> Kursus Bahasa Inggris ==> Telpon selular ==> Milis HRD ==> Lowongan kerja luar negeri dan
beasiswa ==> Pembinaan bisnis dan karir

Komputer dan Teknologi:

Manajemen produksi/operasi/supply chain/logistik:

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[Indo-Job] File - Bergabunglah ke Milis Ponsel

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Undangan Milis Telpon Selular Indonesia


Mohon bantuannya untuk mem forward email ini ke rekan-rekan lain.

Saya mengajak rekan-rekan semua untuk bergabung dengan milis

Silahkan mengirimkan email ke

atau mendaftar melalui web:

Milis ini mendiskusikan berbgai hal tentang telpon selular dan berbagi ring tone, wall paper, game, dll.

Terima kasih,

Recent Activity:
Bergabunglah dengan milis lainnya:  ==> Manajemen Industri ==> Kursus Bahasa Inggris ==> Telpon selular ==> Milis HRD ==> Lowongan kerja luar negeri dan
beasiswa ==> Pembinaan bisnis dan karir

Komputer dan Teknologi:

Manajemen produksi/operasi/supply chain/logistik:

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[Indo-Job] File - Klub Fotografer dan Digital Fotografi Indonesia

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Bergabunglah dengan "Klub Fotografer dan Digital Fotografi Indonesia" di Facebook

Recent Activity:
Bergabunglah dengan milis lainnya:  ==> Manajemen Industri ==> Kursus Bahasa Inggris ==> Telpon selular ==> Milis HRD ==> Lowongan kerja luar negeri dan
beasiswa ==> Pembinaan bisnis dan karir

Komputer dan Teknologi:

Manajemen produksi/operasi/supply chain/logistik:

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[Indo-Job] Jr. Secretary (Permanent)

Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011 0 komentar


Jr. SECRETARY (Permanent)
Support to the Commercial Director
Key Responsibilities:
-          Perform all secretarial functions such as: typing letters/promotion confirmation, distribute outgoing/incoming letter/correspondence, filling, etc.
-          Administer sales/marketing report and data
-          Handle and administer for all travel arrangements such as booking ticket, accommodation, etc
-          In charge in administering and controlling of office storage
-          Plan and organize meeting/conference including coordination and follow up.
-          Other tasks to be assigned by Commercial Director.
-        Possess a Diploma in Secretarial or General Studies or its equivalent
-        Having 1-3 years of experiences
-        Well organized; able to manage multiple tasks and prioritize accordingly
-        Highly motivated, firm, proactive
-        Loyal
-        Excellent comprehension and analytical skills
-        Competency in spoken and written English (its a must)
Functional Capabilities Requirements:
-        Communication skills
Interested applicants should send CV to

Recent Activity:
Bergabunglah dengan milis lainnya:  ==> Manajemen Industri ==> Kursus Bahasa Inggris ==> Telpon selular ==> Milis HRD ==> Lowongan kerja luar negeri dan
beasiswa ==> Pembinaan bisnis dan karir

Komputer dan Teknologi:

Manajemen produksi/operasi/supply chain/logistik:

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[Indo-Job] Sales Engineer / Manager

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Sales Engineer / Manager
·         Male
·         Minimum Engineering Degree from Mechanical Major or related engineering background
·         Highly engage, self-confidence, hard worker, reliable and responsible
·         Computer literate in Windows, Microsoft Office and able to read Technical Drawing
·         Have 2-3 years sales experience in Environmental / Waste Water Treatment market
·         Good verbal and written command in English
·         Familiar with Boiler / Machinery / Diesel / Pumps / Filter / Palm Oil liquid processing.
Interested applicants should send CV to

Recent Activity:
Bergabunglah dengan milis lainnya:  ==> Manajemen Industri ==> Kursus Bahasa Inggris ==> Telpon selular ==> Milis HRD ==> Lowongan kerja luar negeri dan
beasiswa ==> Pembinaan bisnis dan karir

Komputer dan Teknologi:

Manajemen produksi/operasi/supply chain/logistik:

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