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[Indo-Job] Lowongan di Perusahaan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit

Rabu, 30 Maret 2011 0 komentar


*PROVIDENT AGRO* adalah group perusahaan perkebunan kelapa sawit yang
sedang tumbuh dan berkembang, berkantor pusat di Jakarta dengan lokasi
kebun di Sumatra, Kalimantan dan Sulawesi. Dalam rangka memenuhi
perkembangan bisnis perusahaan, kami membutuhkan tenaga-tenaga yang
mempunyai keinginan maju dan berkembang bersama kami untuk menempati
posisi sebagai :

*1. **Penempatan di Kantor Pusat Jakarta*

- Staff Finance *(SF)*

- Staff Administrasi Procurement *(SP)*

- Staff Accounting* (SA)*

- Staff Administrasi Personalia *(SAP)*

- Staff Agronomi *(SI)*

- Staff Internal Audit *(SIA)*

- Staff Teknik *(ST)*

- Java Programmer *(JP)*

- Staff Recruitment & Training *(SRT)*

*2. **Penempatan di Kebun*

- Kepala Kebun *(KK)*

- Asisten Teknik Civil *(AC)*

- Kepala Teknik *(KT)*

- Asisten Training Center *(ATC)*

- Community Development *(CD)*

- Asisten Workshop *(AW)*

- Kepala Tata Usaha *(KTU)*

- Asisten Afdeling *(AA)*

- Asisten Keuangan *(AK)*

- Asisten HPT *(AHP)*

- Asisten Gudang *(AG)*

- Management Trainee *(MT)*

- Asisten HRGA *(AH)*

Dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :

- S1 Manajemen Keungan/Akuntansi *(SF, SA, KTU, AK)*, D3/S1
Pertanian *(KK, SI, ATC, AA, AHP)*, S1 Teknik Mesin/Civil *(ST)*, S1/S2
Psikologi *(SRT)*, S1 Manajemen/Ekonomi/Akuntansi *(SP, SAP, SIA, AG,
AH)*, S1 Teknik Civil *(KT, AC)*, S1 Teknik Mesin* (KT, AW)*
- S1 fresh graduate dengan IPK minimal 2,75, jurusan Agronomi, Ilmu
Tanah, Hama Penyakit, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Kimia, Teknik Civil,
Akuntansi, Manajemen Keuangan, Manajemen *(MT)*
- Untuk posisi selain Management Trainee, mempunyai pengalaman di
bidangnya minimal 2 (dua) tahun. Pernah bekerja di perusahaan perkebunan
kelapa sawit menjadi nilai tambah
- Menguasai teknis perkebunan kelapa sawit *(SI)*, program linux dan
windows OS, database oracle/postgreSQL/MySQL, teknologi J2EE, MVC
Architecture, ERD Design, Operasional Database, Core Java dan Java Web
Programming Language, Eclipse IDE, Reporting tools jasper, Cristal
Report *(JP)*, peraturan ketenagakerjaan *(AH)*, mesin-mesin kendaraan
dan alat berat *(AW)*, design bangunan, penyusunan RAB, program pemetaan
*(AC)*, mampu melakukan sosialisasi pembukaan perkebunan kelapa sawit *(C)*
- Bersedia menjalani pendidikan di traning center dan menjalani ikatan
dinas (MT).

Bagi yang berminat dan memenuhi kualifikasi dapat mengirimkan lamaran
dan CV lengkap ke alamat *Departemen HRD PT. Provident Agro, Barclays
House Lantai 9 Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 22-23 Jakarta Selatan 12920*,
atau ke alamat email **
<> cc **
<>, paling lambat 16 April 2011. Hanya
pelamar yang memenuhi kualifikasi akan diperoses lebih lanjut.

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[Indo-Job] Vacancy as Receptionist

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We are PT. MPC International - Human Resource Consultant, need a Receptionist to be placed in our client industry in Cileungsi & South Jakarta, with requirement:

- D3 (Majoring in English is preferences)
- Excellence in English and Bahasa
- Has experience as receptionist is preferable
- Good interpersonal skill and attitude
- Ms. Office
- Good appearance

Please send your update CV + photo by email :

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[Indo-Job] Lowongan Untuk Staf Prokurmen (Pengadaan)

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PT. Cogindo DayaBersama, anak perusahaan dari PT.Indonesia Power yang bergerak di bidang ketenga listrikan membutuhkan

Procurement Staff (Staf pengadaan barang dan jasa)

Kualifikasi :

1. D3/S1
2. Mempunyai pengalaman di bidang procurement/logistik
3. Laki- laki
4. Usia tidak lebih dari 30 tahun
5. Mempunyai sertifikat barang dan jasa pemerintah merupakan suatu kelebihan.

Kirimkan lamaran lengkap ke

Info lengkap silahkan lihat di

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[Indo-Job] Vacancy Indofood Group

Selasa, 29 Maret 2011 0 komentar



Indofood's distribution division, seeking for candidates to fill the following position :


Qualifications and Skills :

  • At least Bachelor Degree in Accounting, with GPA min 3.00

  • Male, max. 28 years old

  • 1years experience from Public Accounting Firm or as Internal Audit is preferable

  • Good analytical, communication and MS Office proficient

  • Highly motivated, full of initiative and able to to work efficiently and cooperatively within a team environment

  • Able to work with minimum supervise and dealing with the deadlines

  • Willing to be located in Head Office (Jakarta)

  • 1 full time position available


Qualifications and Skills :

  • Bachelor Degree or Diploma from Information Technology with GPA min 3.00

  • Male, max. 28 years old

  • Advanced skill and knowledge on VB6, SQL, and VBNET is a must

  • Fresh graduates with relevant background are also welcome to apply

  • Good analytical and communication skill

  • Goal Oriented and Strong Self Motivation

  • Willing to be located in Head Office (Jakarta)

  • 1 full time position available


Qualifications and Skills :

  • At Least Bachelor degree in Accounting or Management with GPA > 2.90

  • Male, max. 28 years old

  • One year experience in related field is required (fresh graduates with relevant background are also welcome to apply)

  • Excellent communication skill, able to follow through on actions with sense of urgency

  • A self motivated, full of initiative and able to work under pressure with minimum supervision

  • MS. Office proficient

  • Willing to travel for assigned duty around Indonesia

  • Willing to be located in Head Office (Jakarta)

  • 2 full time positions available


Qualifications and Skills :

  • At Least Bachelor degree from any discipline with GPA > 3.00 (Accounting or Psychology is preferable)

  • Female, max. 28 years old

  • Proactive and have good communication and interpersonal skill

  • Detail person and Able to work under pressure

  • 1 full time position recently needed


Qualifications and Skills :

  • At Least Bachelor degree from any discipline with GPA > 2.90

  • Male or Female, max. 28 years old

  • Having minimum 1 year work experience as Purchasing Staff

  • Proactive and have good negotiation and interpersonal skill

  • Willing to be located in Head Office (Jakarta)

  • 1 full time position available

Send your recent CV, photograph, academic transript and supporting document to before 8 April 2011.

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[Indo-Job] Vacancy Indofood Group

0 komentar


Indofood's distribution division, seeking for candidates to fill the following position :

Qualifications and Skills :
At least Bachelor Degree in Accounting, with GPA min 3.00
Male, max. 28 years old
1years experience from Public Accounting Firm or as Internal Audit is preferable
Good analytical, communication and MS Office proficient
Highly motivated, full of initiative and able to to work efficiently and cooperatively within a team environment
Able to work with minimum supervise and dealing with the deadlines
Willing to be located in Head Office (Jakarta)
1 full time position available

Qualifications and Skills :
Bachelor Degree or Diploma from Information Technology with GPA min 3.00
Male, max. 28 years old
Advanced skill and knowledge on VB6, SQL, and VBNET is a must
Fresh graduates with relevant background are also welcome to apply
Good analytical and communication skill
Goal Oriented and Strong Self Motivation
Willing to be located in Head Office (Jakarta)
1 full time position available

Qualifications and Skills :
At Least Bachelor degree in Accounting or Management with GPA > 2.90
Male, max. 28 years old
One year experience in related field is required (fresh graduates with relevant background are also welcome to apply)
Excellent communication skill, able to follow through on actions with sense of urgency
A self motivated, full of initiative and able to work under pressure with minimum supervision
MS. Office proficient
Willing to travel for assigned duty around Indonesia
Willing to be located in Head Office (Jakarta)
2 full time positions available

Qualifications and Skills :
At Least Bachelor degree from any discipline with GPA > 3.00 (Accounting or Psychology is preferable)
Female, max. 28 years old
Proactive and have good communication and interpersonal skill
Detail person and Able to work under pressure
1 full time position recently needed

Qualifications and Skills :
At Least Bachelor degree from any discipline with GPA > 2.90
Male or Female, max. 28 years old
Having minimum 1 year work experience as Purchasing Staff
Proactive and have good negotiation and interpersonal skill
Willing to be located in Head Office (Jakarta)
1 full time position available

Send your recent CV, photograph, academic transript and supporting document to before 8 April 2011.

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[Indo-Job] [Job Vacant]: Implementation Support Consultant

0 komentar


Established in 2000, Insight Consulting is one of Indonesia 's leading providers of management assurance consulting and technology based services, including corporate governancerisk managementinternal audit, IT audit, IT security and BCP/DRP. In addition, we provide these services throughoutAsia Pacific region.


Due to an ongoing number of successful and the expansion of our IT based business, we are now looking for new people to join our consulting team, as follows:

  • degree in IT related discipline (preferably: Computer Science with concentration in Software Engineering) from reputable local universities, with a minimum GPA of 3.00
  • Fresh graduates, preferably has 1 year of working experience as auditor or consultant.
  • have excellent report programming knowledge (e.g. Sharpshooter, Crystal Reports) with Visual Basic or VB.Net  knowledge and experience.
  • have good database knowledge (e.g. SQL, SQL Server)
  • excellent problem-solving skills
  • good interpersonal skills, including management and communication
  • good analytical skills, including logic and common sense
  • enthusiasm, self-motivation and creativity
  • ability to work in large or small teams, or as individual
  • ability to work under pressure, and achieve deadlines in adverse conditions
  • ability to work and communicate in English, including verbal and written communication
  • willingness to travel internationally and domestically.


Please submit your application, including application letter, detailed CV, recent photograph and current / expected salary before April 15 2011 by email to  Please limit the size of these emails to 500 KB, otherwise your application might not be considered.

Human Resources Manager

PT. Insight Consulting

Sona Topas Tower, Level 16

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 26

Jakarta 12920, Indonesia

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[Indo-Job] INFORMASI LOWONGAN: IT Technical Writer

Senin, 28 Maret 2011 0 komentar






PT Danareksa (Persero) sebagai perusahaan investasi terbesar di Indonesia merupakan sebuah perusahaan Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) dengan pengalaman lebih dari    34 tahun. Danareksa merupakan perusahaan investasi yang memberikan pelayanan terbaik dari nasabah institusi hingga nasabah retail, dengan lebih dari 33 cabang yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia, membuka kesempatan untuk bergabung sebagai:



IT Technical Writer (project based)


Tugas dan tanggung jawab:

  • Membuat user manual dan sistem dokumentasi aplikasi internal Danareksa.


Persyaratan   :

  1. Lulusan D3/S1 Ilmu Komputer/ Teknik Komputer/Teknik Informatika
  2. Mahasiswa tingkat akhir diperbolehkan melamar
  3. Bersedia bekerja kontrak selama 4 bulan
  4. Bersedia bekerja secara full time (office hours)



Kirimkan surat lamaran dan curriculum vitae sebelum tanggal 15 April 2011, serta tuliskan nama posisi (Technical Writer) di subject email, kirim ke:


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[Indo-Job] Latest jobs in Saudi Arabia, UAE and Bahrain

Minggu, 27 Maret 2011 0 komentar


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[Indo-Job] Vacant : AR Invoicing and Collection

Rabu, 23 Maret 2011 0 komentar


PT KSB INDONESIA is part of KSB Group, as Leading Pump and Valve Manufacturing Company belonging to an International Group headquartered in Germany. To Support our team PT KSB INDONESIA has the following position available.

AR Collection Or Invoicing
Purpose of the job:
• To strengthen finance and accounting dept. to achieved company goal.
• Doing invoicing and collect payment from all customer,
To be successful, the applicant must have following background:
• Male or Female, 24 – 35 years old.
• Min. Bachelor degree (S1) from Accounting department of reputable universities.
• Good command of written and spoken English is a must
• Able to work in team as well as individual, Self starter and able to keep a stable performance even without supervision
• Comprehensive knowledge in accounts analysis customer performance and particular General Ledger and AR control
• Has a strong Finance knowledge, Taxation knowledge and strong analytical skills.
• Min. 2 years experience in AR (collection and invoicing) in trading & manufacturing company
• Familiar with standard Microsoft Office applications (excel, word & power point)
• Knowledge of SAP accounting software is preferred
• Able to start immediately
• Willing to be located Cibitung Kawasan Industri MM 2100 (transportation by company bus to and from factory will be provided in certain pick up point)
A good and very competitive fringe benefit for the selected candidate such salary, transport allowance, and health insurance (+family). We also offer professional training in Indonesia and overseas.
If you Match with our requirement, please send your complete CV with detail previous and current job description and your current salary to: or PT KSB Indonesia
Jl. Timor Blok D2-1 Kawasan Industri MM2100 Cibitung, West Java
For more information please visit

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[Indo-Job] Lowongan Programmer & AE & Magang

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PT. Imede Indonesia

Kami adalah perusahaan Mobile Solution, yang berlokasi di Jakarta.
Saat ini kami sedang membutuhkan posisi sebagai berikut :

Junior Programmer (JP)

Persyaratan :

* Pria/Wanita, Usia max. 35 Tahun
* Pendidikan minimal D3 Ilmu Komputer / Manajemen Informatika / Teknologi Informasi / Sistem Informasi
* Berpengalaman minimal 1 tahun di bidang software development.
* Menguasai dengan baik logika dan algoritma
* Menguasai konsep dan design/analisis pemogramman berorientasi objek
* Menguasai pemogramman PHP, SQL Server.

Account Executice (AE)

Persyaratan :

* Pria/Wanita, Usia max. 35 Tahun
* Pendidikan minimal SMA Sederajat
* Berpenampilan menarik
* Berpengalaman minimal 1 tahun di bidang Marketting.
* Menguasai dengan baik Windows, Word, Excel, Outlook
* Memiliki SIM A/C

Mahasiswa Magang (MM)

Persyaratan :

* Pria/Wanita, Diutamakan Pria
* Semester Akhir Management Informatika / Teknik Komputer / Sistem Informasi
Persyaratan :

Harap kirimkan surat lamaran lengkap, CV beserta photo terbaru anda ke alamat email kami di :

HRD Departement - PT. Imede Indonesia

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[Indo-Job] Lowongan Assessor- HSE Background (ASE)

Selasa, 22 Maret 2011 0 komentar



Kami adalah Perusahaan berkembang yang bergerak di bidang pengadaan media komunikasi QHSE (Quality, Health, Safety, and Environment)/ K3 (Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja)  untuk industri Migas, Manufaktur, dll. Kami sedang membutuhkan staf untuk ditempatkan sebagai :

Assessor- HSE Background (ASE)

Requirements :

  • Fresh Graduate silahkan melamar
  • Memiliki Pengetahun seputar HSE/ K3 (Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja)
  • Pendidikan minimal D3
  • Skil komunikasi, presentasi dan persuasi yang baik
  • Berbadan sehat,tidak mengidap penyakit
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di Bandung atau Jakarta
  • Bersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas ke luar kota untuk keperluan Assessment Safety Sign dan Hazard Identification di Perusahaan Klien.


Kirimkan lamaran dan CV dengan menyebutkan kode Posisi ("ASE") pada subject email ke :


Email :

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