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[Indo-Job] CFP: Indonesia Conference in Pittsburgh, USA

Selasa, 28 Mei 2013 0 komentar


Call for Paper (CFP): 2013 Indonesia Focus Conference

November 1-2 , 2013, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA


Beyond Physical Capital: Addressing the Role of Human and Social Capital in the Economic Growth of Indonesia

Full Paper Submission : October 14, 2013

Organizers: Persatuan Mahasiswa Indonesia di Amerika Serikat (PERMIAS) Pittsburgh and the Asian Society for International Relations and Public Affairs (ASIRPA)

Sponsors: KBRI, KJRI New York, and others.


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Kami mengundang teman-teman untuk mengirimkan abstrak makalah tentang Indonesia dalam berbagai bidang termasuk pendidikan, sosial, budaya, seni, ekonomi, agama, teknologi, sains, dll. Kami juga mengundang teman-teman untuk mengirimkan proposal bisnis.

Tema konferensi menjadi fokus utama penyelenggaraan konferensi kali ini. Walaupun demikian, makalah di luar tema akan kami terima dengan tangan terbuka asalkan bermanfaat atau berkenaan dengan Indonesia.

Abstrak dan makalah lengkapi mohon di tulis dalam bahasa Inggris. Detail call for paper terlampir di bawah.

Kirimkan abstrak (maximum 250 kata), makalah lengkap, serta pertanyaan tentang konferensi ke <indonesiafocus/at/asirpa/org> atau berkunjung

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dan mohon menulis dalam bahasa Indonesia ketika mendaftar melalui web site:

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Jabat erat,

Ahmad Syamil
Arkansas State University


November 1-2 (Friday and Saturday), 2013, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Important Dates:

Abstract Submission : June 30, 2013
Acceptance Notification : July 15, 2013
Full Paper Submission : October 14, 2013

Organizers: The Indonesian Student Association (PEMIAS) in Pittsburgh and the Asian Society for International Relations and Public Affairs (ASIRPA) .

Sponsors: Indonesian Embassy (KBRI) in Washington DC, Indonesian Consulate General (KJRI) in New York, and other organizations.


1. Dr. Wimboh Santoso, Executive Director of IMF.
2. Dr. Darmawan Prasodjo, Chief Economist at Millennium Challenge Account - Indonesia (MCAI).
3. Dr. Danet Suryatama, ElectrikCar LLC
4. More speakers will be announced later


Theme: "Beyond Physical Capital: Addressing the Role of Human and Social Capital in the Economic Growth of Indonesia."

The conference accepts academic papers and business plans/ideas. Faculty members, researchers, business people, or anyone interested in this conference are all invited.

The conference invites individuals or organizations to present papers and business plans on the basis of research that addresses Indonesia's development. The papers should address some issues pertaining to the multidimensional aspects of Indonesia's development. Topics surrounding innovative strategies and methods that can contribute to the improvement of Indonesia-US relationships and Indonesian education system are highly encouraged.

Examples of topics to be considered include but not limited to:

1. Improving human capital investment:

a. Reshaping policies and practices in health and education
b. Nurturing human capital via advancement in industry and technology
c. Roles of religion and cultural traditions in improving the components of human capital

2. Investment in social capital:

a. Structural issues in laws and its enforcement with respect to good governance, anti-corruption, and banking system
b. The importance of market regulations and its implementation in business and labor markets
c. Improving social capital through strengthening cultures: cooperation, trust, reciprocity, and interfaith cooperation.
d. Establishing intellectual property rights to promote ideas, innovation, research and development as well as nurturing entrepreneurship
e. The functions of religious institutions in promoting social stability

The conference provides a forum where broad ideas of how to help Indonesia fare well in the globalized economy are exchanged and discussed. It is expected that the meeting would inspire attendees with regard to the potential roles they may want to play in this globalized world.

The conference also provides a forum for entrepreneurs to showcase their business ideas, plans, and products to Indonesian and international audience. We accept any types of proposed business plan, provided that the business is legal.

We hope that the meeting would motivate, and even initiate further business cooperation among Indonesians, Americans, and international participants.


Submitted abstract should have no more than 250 words and should include research problem, methodology, facts and findings.


The paper should be written in English, typed, double-spaced, using 12 point Times New Roman font, on standards-sized paper (8.5" x 11") with 1 inch margins on all sides. Please maintain consistency with your preferred citation style. The length of the paper should be between 3000-5000 words."

Please submit the abstract or a complete draft of the paper or business plan to the conference organizers <indonesiafocus/at/asirpa/org> or visit

Send your questions about call for paper to that email address.


Regular conference registration: $ 50
Registration for students residing in the US : free of charge
Proceeding Fees (by request): $ 20

For registration and updates on the 2013 Indonesia Focus Conference, please visit the ASIRPA Indonesia Focus Conference website

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